REVA2 Blue Line System
A breakthrough innovation in urban mobility
Mobility as a Service* (MaaS) is an on-demand, door-to-door travel service such as Taxi and VTC, accessible via a Smartphone application. This service is particularly relevant when there is no driver, and the cost of a ride represents more than 80% of the total cost.

REVA2 offers a "mobility on demand" service, at a very competitive cost, accessible to as many people as possible.

* Over 83% of French people prefer use to possession (ObSoCo).
The Fonder

Raoul Parienti, Chairman & Founder of REVA2 is supported by a highly experienced, highly skilled and passionate team.

Holder of more than 100 international patents, Raoul benefits from a long experience in the creation and development of several breakthrough innovations. REVA2, the project of a lifetime, is the culmination of over 20 years of reflection, research, modeling and exchanges with experts from major groups (THALES-INGÉNIERIE, ALSTOM, KÉOLIS, RATP...).

Graduated from CNAM, Master’s degree in Mathematics, former Associate Professor (Chair: Innovation, Creativity, Patents). Raoul has received many international awards*.

*European Inventor of the Year, 2009 in Prague, Engineer of the Year, 2007 in Paris, 5 gold medals at the Geneva Invention Fair, Prix du Président de la République at the Concours Lépine 2010 in Paris. Gusi Prize for Peace and Progress Manila 2010...
The congestion and traffic jams
that suffocate our metropolises have a major impact on :

The solution

The deployment of REVA2 in a metropolis will greatly reduce the number of vehicles driving or parking in the city, thus putting an end to :
REVA2 is an inclusive innovation.
Open to people without a driver's license, the elderly, authorized minors, the visually impaired and people in folding wheelchairs that can be stowed in the vehicle's trunk.


The arrival of the 100% autonomous vehicles (level 5) has been heralded for many years, but it has to be said that the implemention off a fully autonomous vehicle is extremely complex, and many players have already given up.

Today, the 100% autonomous vehicles are considered a utopia by many experts.

We're still talking about 100% autonomous vehicles, in confusion with Robot Taxis, which requires a remote driver and specific equipment in the area.

The cost of using a Robot Taxi is much higher than that of REVA2, and the competition with our solution is very marginal.

The abandonment of the 100 % autonomous vehicle by the major players has opened up a real highway for REVA2 to become a world leader in autonomous and shared mobility.

The deployment of REVA2 will create a new paradigm in the world of urban transport, and should be as irreversible as the arrival of the railway in the early 19th century.

Several cities already support REVA2, including Geneva, and have volunteered to receive our solution.

REVA2 - Freedom, economy and comfort

REVA2 allows you to move around safely 24/7, without having to worry about driving or parking.

The cost to the user is very accessible, around five times lower than that of a VTC.

REVA2 offers a real alternative to personal vehicle in the city, while providing the service of a sedan with a private driver.
Our solution
  • The REVA2 system: the vehicle uses optical guidance to follow a blue linepainted on the pavement by an autonomous robot. The blue line, which serves as a virtual rail, is fitted with RFID chips for precise, permanent vehicle tracking.

  • The vehicle is equipped with sensors and cameras managed by an AI, capable of reading and interpreting road signs, traffic lights and the vehicle's environment: other vehicles, pedestrians, 2-wheelers, pets, balloons... enabling it to travel on the "Blue Line" in complete safety, respecting traffic regulations and anticipating any situation.

  • REVA2 is protected by 2 international patents until 2042.
Safety and Reliability

The REVA2 vehicle

REVA2 is a comfortable, rewarding dual-mode vehicle.

  • 100% electric* and automated, in urban areas equipped with blue lines.

  • Hybrid** and traditional driving, outside built-up areas, for longer journeys, or on the road (or freeway), for vacations without worrying about range.

* More than 90% of all trips are made electrically.
** bioethanol-compatible, 50% less CO2, 90% less fine particles.
In automated mode, the seats face each other
Traditional driving mode
Market size

The mobility-as-a-service market.

The global market for mobility as a service (MaaS) is growing at an annual rate of 25%!
It will reach a value of around $5,000 billions* by 2034. That's more than ten times larger than the global vehicle market (including autonomous level 1 to 4), estimated at $300 to $400 billions** by 2035.

*Global Market Insights Inc. *Expert Market Research
**Mc Kinsey Center for Future Mobility

Our values

  • Decarbonize
  • Inclusion
  • Innovation
  • Public Health

Reinventing the city

REVA2 provides 24/7 mobility without the hassle of driving or parking, allowing to :

  • Recreate social ties
  • Revitalize cities centers
  • Create wealth and jobs
  • Improve urban safety
Reva2 is sustainable because it benefits everyone involved, especially the public and the Planet.

Mayors and local authorities will receive substantial royalties.

These new resources will enable our elected representatives to make the city more beautiful, more radiant and more attractive.

Our goal

Given the simplicity and reliability of our patented solution, and the appetite of the mobility-as-a-service market, our aim is to capture at least 3% of this market (over 150 billion*), within the next 10 years.

This will place REVA2 in

One of the world’s TOP TEN technology companies global valuations.

* Through direct exploitation, especially in Europe, plus revenues from sub-licenses in the rest of the world.

Raoul Parienti
REVA 2 Blue LineSystem SAS